<Montana 9 Y2k

Montana 9

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November 2024 expiration on Montana personalized alternative standard plate (remake of 2006 base)
February 2022 expiration on Montana alternative standard plate (remake of 1991 base)

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July 2021 expiration on Montana Honoring Fallen Officers plate

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Montana Whitefish Education Foundation plate · Type first issued in 2017
Montana Cancer Support Community plate · Type issued 2008 to 2017
Montana Professional Firefighters personalized plate · Type first issued in 2023

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Montana Hope Project plate · Type first issued in 2014
Montana Wild Yellowstone personalized plate · Type first issued in 2013
Montana Developmental Education Assistance Program plate · Type first issued in 2015

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Montana Glacier High School Booster Club personalized plate · Type issued 2008 to 2020
Montana Downtown Missoula Association personalized plate · Type first issued in 2017
Montana Gold Star Family plate · Type first issued in 2010

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June 2022 expiration (year blanked out) on Montana Public Radio plate · Type first issued in 2017
Montana Legion of Valor sample plate on standard alternate 2006 type base
Montana Veterans Monument in Hamilton personalized plate · Type first issued in 2018

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Montana Wild Trout Bighorn River Alliance plate · Type first issued in 2017
Montana Last Best Place, Environmental Information Center plate · Type first issued in 2016
Montana Whitefish Lake Institute plate · Type first issued in 2013

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Montana Wild Sheep Foundation plate · Type first issued 2012 to 2024
April 2023 (year date blanked out) expiration on Montana Friends of the Gallatin plate · Type first issued in 2020
February 2021 expiration (year date blanked out) on Montana Project WET Foundation plate · Type first issued in 2019

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Montana Flathead High School personalized plate · Type issued 2004 to 2020
Montana Chippewa Cree Tribe plate · Type first issued 2019
Montana Little Shell Chippewa Tribe plate · Type issued 2007 to 2020

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September 2020 expiration on Montana Flathead High School plate · Type issued 2004 to 2020
Montana State Owned Highway Department vehicle plate · Type first issued ca. 2002
February 2021 expiration on Montana Library Association plate · Type issued 2009 to 2020

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Montana Youth and Family Camps plate · Type first issued in 2018 · Appears discontinued
Montana U.S. Navy Veteran plate on alternative standardized 2000 plate design · Type first issued in 2012
Montana U.S. Marine Corps Veteran plate on alternative standardized 2000 plate design · Type first issued ca. 2012

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Montana Billings Catholic Schools plate · Type issued 2012 to 2020
Montana Future Farmers of America plate · Type issued 2002 to 2018
July 2023 (year date blanked out) expiration on Montana Eagle Mount plate · Type first issued in 2017

Images from July 2024 Facebook postings