New York 5 
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Current New York license plate (November 2021)
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New York Hudson Valley sample plate. Type first issued in 1993
New York Jets sample plate. Type first issued in 1993
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New York Yankees personalized plate of type issued 1997 to 2012
New York St. John's University personalized plate. Type was first issued in 1993
1993 to 1999 New York World University Games plate
Images from July - December 2022 Facebook posting
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New York personalized plate (2021 issued)
New York Yankees plate (Type first issued in 2012)
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New York Buffalo Bills plate (Type first issued in 1993)
New York Yankees personalized plate (Type first issued in 2012)
New York Saratoga plate 1995 to ca. 2014
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1997 to 2012 issued New York Boston Red Sox personalized plate
1997 to 2012 issued New York, Toronto Blue Jays plate
1997 to 2009 issued New York, Los Angeles Lakers plate
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1997 to 2009 issued New York, Chicago Bulls plate
1997 to 2012 issued New York, Buffalo Bills plate
2009 to 2016 issued New York Yankees World Series plate
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2000 to 2003 issued New York Yankees World Series plate
1997 to 2012 issued New York Jets plate
1997 to 2009 issued New York, New Jersey Nets plate
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1994 to 2011 (flat issues came later) embossed New York, State Ski Areas plate
1993 to 1997 issued New York Jets plate
2019 New York 9-11 Commemorative plate
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2010 to 2020 issued New York personalized plate
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New York motorcycle plate of type first issued in 2020
2021 expiration on New York motorcycle plate
Images from Dino Maricic of Zadar, Croatia
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New York Fraternal Order of Police, Empire State Lodge plate of type first issued in 2012
New York Professional Baseball Teams personalized plate with Pittsburgh Pirates logo of type issued from 1997 to 2005
Images from Facebook postings April - May 2022
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New York Association of Former State Troopers plate of type first issued in 2004
New York BMW Car Club of America personalized plate of the type first issued in 2003
New York Agricultural Promotion plate of type issued 2002 to 2014
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2001 to 2022 New York Theodore Roosevelt plate
1995 to 2010 New York State Police plate
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1996 to 2015 New York Olympic Spirit Commercial plate (embossed early issue)
1993 to present (still being used) New York Masonic Member plate
New York State Sheriffs' Association plate (dates unknown or whether or not the plate was issued.)
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2014 - 2020 New York State Department of Labor Official plate used in Onondaga County
2014 - 2020 New York Official plate for Vestal School District, Broome County plate
2003-2004 New York Justice of Superior Court, Appellate Division plate
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2015 - 2016 New York Court of Claims plate
1993 - 2014 New York Korean War Veteran plate
1998 - 2016 New York Combat Infantrymen plate
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2001 - 2013 New York Former Prisoner of War plate
1997 - 2017 New York Airborne plate
1998 - 2012 New York Purple Heart plate
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2022 expiration on New York motorcycle plate
2017 expiration on New York motorcycle plate
Images from Charlie Russo of Seaford, New York
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New York State Association of Realtors plate first released in 2020
Personalized New York Martin Luther King Jr. license plate (Type first available in 1995)
Images from February 2022 Facebook postings
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Current New York passenger and commercial vehicle plates (September 2021)
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2012 to present New York Conserve Open Space plate (September 2021)
1998 to 2000 New York Yankees World Champions in 1998 plate
2015 to present New York Brooklyn Nets plate
Images from Dino Maricic of Zadar, Croatia
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New York Toronto Blue Jays plate (1997 to 2005)
New York University of Buffalo plate
(2003 to date)
Images sent on September 10, 2021 by Jim Schaller of Altamont, New York
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New York Catskills regional plate, Greene County 97 to present
New York Finger Lakes regional plate, Schuyler County 97 to present
Current (December 2021) New York City license plate
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New York Cattaraugus County regional plate (1997 to present)
New York Niagara County regional plate (1997 to present)
New York Hudson Valley, Columbia County regional plate (1997 to present)
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New York U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary plate (1999 -2017)
New York Horse Council plate
(2003 - and beyond?)
New York Drive for the Conquer Cancer plate
(2002 to 2012)
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New York Yankees 1999 World Series Champions plate (1996 - 1998)
New York Los Angeles Lakers plate
(1997 -2009)
New York Toronto Raptors plate (1997 to 2009)
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New York U.S. Marine Corps Veteran plate of type first issued in 2017
New York Mets Professional Baseball plate of type first issued in 2012
New York Association of Former State Troopers plate of type first issued in 2004
Images from recent Facebook postings (June - December 2021)
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2010 to 2014 New York State Official plate
2014 to 2020 New York Ithaca School District Official plate
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2014 to 2020 New York Village of Hempstead Official plate
2014 to 2020 New York City of Ithaca Official plate
2014 to 2020 New York Community Emergency Corps for Saratoga County serving the Ballston area used on an ambulance
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2014 to 2020 New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision license plate
2014 to 2020 New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs license plate
2014 New York State Official plate (used one year only and then replaced by agency specific plates
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2020-21 New York Board of Supervisors license plate
2018-19 New York Board of Supervisors license plate
Images sent by Jim Schaller of Altamont, New York
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New York license plate seen in use November, 2020
Image from Corb Moister, Norwich, Vermont
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New York Giants Super Bowl XLII Champions plate
Current New York license plate
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New York Professional Baseball Teams plate type for the Boston Red Sox issued from 1997 to 2005
New York low number, personalized Liberty base plate of type in use 1986 to 2001
New York low number, personalized base plate of type in use 2001 to 2010
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1991 to 2001 valid until 2003 New York Baseball Commemoratuve plate
New York City - Brooklyn Regional Tourism type plate available from 1997 to present
New York Veterans of Foreign Wars plate of type available from 1986 to 2015
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New York Veteran plate of type started in 2010
New York War on Terror Veteran of type started in 2013
New York Viet Nam Veteran plate of type started in 2011
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New York 1999 New York Yankees World Champions commerical vehicle plate
Issued during 1994 to 1996 Stanley Cup New York Rangers plate
Images from Dino Maricic of Zadar, Croatia
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New York license plate in use September, 2019
New York State vehicle plate in use September, 2019
Images from Corb Moister, Norwich, Vermont
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New York vanity license plate (flat serial) in use July 2019
Image from Facebook posting of Ross Day, New York City, New York
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New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs plates seen in use May, 2019
Image from a Facebook posting
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New York World War II Veteran vanity plate in use April, 2019
Image from Facebook posting of Ross Day, New York City, New York